Spektakl “Jack and the Beanstalk” przesunięty na okres jesienno-zimowy

Polish Theatre Institute i Centrum Polsko Słowiańskie prezentują: “Jack and Beanstalk”


Centrum Polsko Słowiańskie

177 Kent Street

Brooklyn NY 11222

“Jack and the Beanstalk” is a joyous, original adaptation of the classic tale about poor Jack who went to sell his cow and came home with three magic beans.Jack’s daring adventure up the huge beanstalk helps him and his mother out of their difficult financial situation, even if his mother is a bit worried about the moral issues surrounding this unusual way to acquire wealth. The show is created in a Story and Puppet Time format where one performer provides narration and gives voices to the characters and a second performer operates hand puppets, figure puppets, and a marionette, and performs in mask.

BIlety: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/jack-and-the-beanstalk-tickets-638128839537